In the constellation Leo (the Lion), three galactic siblings are slowly shredding each other apart through gravitational interactions: NGC 3628, M66, and M65. Known popularly as the Leo Triplet, this small neighborhood of galaxies lies 35 million light-years away between two bright stars, Regulus (magnitude 1.36) and Denebola (magnitude 2.113). M66, in the bottom-right corner, is the largest galaxy of the three and has suffered elongation of its spiral arms from interactions with M65 (top-right corner), spawning intense, blue star growth. Side-on galaxy NGC 3628, or the Hamburger Galaxy, has also experienced gravitational warping, as evidenced by its bulging central disk and tidal stream. While they may fight amongst themselves for now, in several billion years these three galaxies will collide, and the siblings will become one.
Acquisition Date: April 5, 2021–April 18, 2021
Acquisition Site: Backyard
Image Details: 284 x 240s (18h 56m)
Equipment: ZWO ASI2600MC-Pro, Takahashi TOA-130NFB, AP1200GTO