The Fireworks Galaxy and NGC 6939

The Fireworks Galaxy is a face-on spiral Galaxy 25 million light years away between the constellations Cepheus and Cygnus. It’s vibrant gold hues shine from populations of older, yellow stars, while its blue and red arms contain younger, hotter stars. In the past century, the galaxy has experienced 10 supernovae, further justifying its name. In the bottom right corner is open cluster NGC 6939, which is only 5000 light years away, well within the boundaries of our galaxy.

Acquisition Date: July 19-August 8, 2022

Acquisition Site: Backyard

Image Specs: L 178 x 180s (8h 54m), R 55 x 120s (1h 50m), G 70 x 120s (2h 20m), B 70 x 120s (2h 20m)

Equipment: QHY600M-PH, Takahashi TOA-130NFB, 645 Flattener, AP1200GTO, Baader LRGB